Prima amenajare hidroenergetică  din Ardeal construită la comanda Imperiului Austro-Ungar între anii 1903- 1906.

Studiu de caz Hidrocentrala Someşul Rece


Roman Maria, Roman Codrin




ABSTRACT- Since ancient times people have been saing, "Our power is in water" , and all mankind has tried  to use their power and knowledge to use it in everyday life.

The potential of Somesul Rece River (Cold Somes )  was quickly taken in sight by the great Austrian industrialists who saw a large hydropower potential here, hidropower that could supply electricity for Cluj Napoca, a large city at a distance of 29 km. The technique used was Austrian, the workers were Italians, and after the construction, the majority of them remained in the built up colony and also rised an entire village which was named after them and yet bears that name : La Talieni, La Pape.


Key words: hydropower, Somesul Rece River.