ABSTRACT. – The influence of climate on shepherding activity in the Meridional Carpathians. Human activities depend largely on climatic factors, which role is defining in many cases. In his activity, the man has been taken into account the evolution of climatic parameters over a known period: daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.Thus he scheduled his activities after his skills of meteorology, gained from information transmitted by the ancestors, of his own experience and recent information provided by experts in the field through advanced techniques. Activities practiced in the mountain are various, but I will refer to the agricultural sector and in particular to its subramura, shepherding. Old activity of the Romanian people, it has good knowledge required by those who practice, the evolution of climate parameters in a calendar year for deployment in its benefits. So was born a timetable pastoral somewhat lagged the civic as faithfully follow the weather and resist the influence in the growth of animals. The mountain by its characteristics of altitude, relief fragmentation, orientation peaks, and slope’s exposure generates a number of peculiarities of climate and microclimate, which marked local organization for the pastoral life and shape of regions with specific attention. In the Carpathians, pastoral phenomenon was most intense in our country, and from these considerations that area deserves a detailed analysis of climatic parameters and their role in the manifestation of this activity.
Key words: Meridional Carpathians, climate, shepherding actvity