ABSTRACT. – Risk weather phenomena in Cluj county in June 2010. June, in the
Cluj county area, has been a month of extremes, in both heat and precipitation.
The beginning of the month debuted with daily maximum temperatures close to the
normal heat period product and then gradually heating the air occurred, the
maximum temperatures increasing from day to day, reaching very high values, up
34 °C, by the middle of the month, when the temperature-humidity index (ITU)
reached and exceeded, in relatively large areas, the critical level of 80. In
the second part of June, the target area was characterized by atmospheric
instability that fostered the development of strong convective structures, which
led to the recording of large amounts of rain from showers and heavy rain, that
were associated with floods and strong winds, which turned into storms with hail
and lightning. For the second half of the month, a particular case dated
06/21/2010 was analyzed, the day in which the most destructive effects of the
floods, seen as phenomenon hazardous weather reported by the Inspectorate for
Emergency Situations (ISU) in Cluj County: the death of a person in the Morlaca
area, 250 homes flooded in the cities of Huedin, Morlaca, Sâncraiu, Săcuieu,
Călata, Poeni. There have also been floods in the cities of Turda, Copaceni and
Martinesti. Landslides were recorded in Domosu and Horlacea.
Keywords: ITU, thermal convection, precipitation, floods.