The Influenced flow Regimes






ABSTRACT. The influenced flow regimes. The presence and activities of humanity influences the uniform environmental system, and in this context, the rivers water resources. In concordance with this, the natural runoff regime suffers bigger and deeper changes. The nature of these changes depending on the type and degree of water uses. The multitude of the use cause different types of influence, whit different quantitative aspects. In the same time, the influences have qualitative connotations, too, regarding to the modifications of the yearly water volume runoff. So the natural runoff regime is modified. After analyzing the distribution laws of the monthly runoff, there have been differenced four types of influenced runoff regimes. In the excess type the influenced runoff is bigger than the natural, continuously in the whole year. The deficient type is characterized by inverse rapports like the first type, in the whole year. In the sinusoidal type, the influenced runoff is smaller than the natural in the period when the water is retained in the lake reservoirs, and in the depletion period the situation inverts. At the irregular type the ratio between influenced and natural runoff is changeable in a random meaner monthly. The recognition of the influenced regime and the grade of influence are necessary in the evaluation and analysis of the usable hydrological river resources, in the flood defence activities, in the complex scheme of the hydrographic basins, in the environment design and so on.

Keywords. -natural regime, influenced regime, water use, influence degree, regime types