ABSTRACT. – Dojran Lake with its hydrological basin is a closed hydrological
system with natural inflow of water to the lake, but no natural outflow.
Recharge of the lake is from direct surface and underground inflow. Within the
period 1950-1960 the lake faced with extremely high water level that was not
favorable for the development of fishing. It was built an artificial channel to
regulate the water level in the lake and control the water use at Greek side of
the lake. In the period 1988-2000, the water level in the lake continuously was
declining. Water level declination caused ecological catastrophe for the flora
and fauna in the lake and lake’s basin that was inconvenience for the basic
economy in the region, tourism and fishing. The reasons for declining the water
level in the lake are not clearly identified, and they are located in
unfavorable hydrological conditions expressed through longer dried period or
uncontrolled usage the water from the lake.
In 2002, the Republic of Macedonia finished a project to build a system for
bringing water from Gjavato wells near Vardar River with capacity of 1 m3/s. The
water level in the lake has recently increased. In order to define the causes of
changes in the lake requires detailed hydrological and meteorological analysis.
This paper will present the results of hydrological and meteorological analysis
on the basis of historical data of measured water level, precipitation, and air
temperature from hydrometeorological station New Dojran for the period
1961-2008. Some comments on impact factors will be presented as well.
Keywords: “hydrometeorology”, “Dojran Lake”, “precipitation”, “temperature”,
“water level”