Comparative analysis of the floods frequence on Teleorman and Galben rivers




ABSTRACT.– Comparative analysis of the floods frequence on Teleorman and Galben rivers. The study deals with comparative analysis of flood occurrence on Teleorman and Galben rivers. Teleorman River is the tributary on the left side of the Vedea River and flows across the Teleormanul Plain from the north to the south. Galbenul River is the tributary on the left side of Gilort River flowing across the Parâng Mountains and Oltenia’s Subcapathians. The  analysis is done due to the similarities concerning the numbers of floods generated although the rivers have different physical and geographical characteristics. The data used were recorded at the hydrometric stations Tătărăştii de Sus and Teleormanu  (on the Teleorman River) and Baia de Fier  (on the Galben River) for a common period of 13 years (1995-2007). It was determined the seasonal and monthly frequency, depending on the genetic criterion of all floods produced on the two rivers during the analized period. The conclusion that emerged is that on the Teleorman river most flash floods occur in winter and have mixed genesis, compared to the Galbenul River, where most occur in summer and have pluvial genesis.


Keywords: flood, frequency, seasonal, monthly, Teleorman River, Galbenul River.