ABSTARCT. – Rodbav baths resort (Braşov County) – Therapeuthic potential and its exploitation. Rodbav Baths, former seasonal spa resort of local interest, due of its geographical position and therapeutic factors still available, may become again in the future, an important location for treatment but also for relaxation, rest as well as physical and psychological rehabilitation. On the other hand, its specific therapeutic natural potential may represent an alternative to drug treatment as the use of mineral water and therapeutic mud in spa treatment has had obvious results in improving or remedying certain illnesses throughout time.

This paper aims to highlight the therapeutic potential of Rodbav Baths, which consists in natural and anthropogenic resources, as well as the need to harness the best of it, through appropriate infrastructure and sustained promotion, so that the touristic product offer should be of good quality. The paper is based on information and data obtained from specialized sources or documents from the national archives of Braşov as well as from field investigations and measurements performed in the period 2010 - 2012. They were then processed and systematized to achieve the graphic and cartographic material. Last, but not least, images, illustrating the observed phenomena were used. The final results are highlighted in this paper. Thus, it presents the types of mineral waters of Rodbav Baths and their therapeutic importance, their spreading around the studied site, the spa features of the area, and current and future means of developing spa and healthcare tourism. 


Keywords: mineral waters, therapeutic potential, spa tourism, healthcare tourism, Rodbav Baths.