ABSTRACT. – The Hydroenergetic Potential of the Prut River – Moldova Republic. On the basis of studying of water funds, of the regimes and characteristics of flow of the Prut, of those internal larger and smaller ones, taking into consideration what basins exist and the ones with perspective can demonstrate the hydroenergetical potential values of Republic of Moldova for the current time and on long-time period. The basic variant of the scheme of arrangement on the Prut on the basis of the requirements of today’s impact with the environment, the ecologic flows, hydroenergetical equipments chosen for the parameters of sufficient operation, and the hidrotehnical unit must have an appearance of a complex utilization. The assurances of the flows and head of the hydro-electric plants with operation in cascade on rivers is caused by the strength of the given data and the hydrologic calculations after interstate normatives applied now. Suggested scheme foresees to build dozens of hydro-electric plants with small head on the Prut from which an unit functions as the minimum on the ecologic flow. The potential of the basins of existing accumulation on little rivers must be capitalized first because it requires only the power equipment. Prof. D. Pavel proposed some schemes with the arrangement of MCHE on the rivers Prut, Răut, Bîc.
Keywords: hydrological data, the potential hydroenergetical, the Prut, the basins.