The Influence of Orography on the surplus Pluviometric Regime of the Sebeş Basin



Marioara COSTEA



ABSTRACT – The Influence of Orography on the Surplus Pluviometric Regime of the Sebeş Basin.  The paper presents important genetic factors which influence the precipitation regime in the Sebeş Basin. Our main focus is the role of the basin’s orography; in general, its exposition is northern and located on the northern macroversant of the Parâng group, its altitudinal structure influences the configuration of the storeys, the summits and valley chutes influence precipitation, in terms of frequency and location. The pluviometric regime is characterized by an analysis of average monthly and yearly precipitation, and of excess precipitation for a period of at least 20 years. The deviations of the largest quantities of yearly precipitation are due to local altitude-related particularities, relief fragmentation and versant exposition in the general atmospheric circulation. The effects of excess precipitation during the analyzed periods are also presented.



Key words: pluviometric regim, surplus of precipitations, orography, Sebeş Basin.