The scientific and organizing committee of the AIR AND WATER COMPONENTS OF THE ENVIRONMENT conference observes the publishing ethics according to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and to Elsevier’s Ethics in Research and Publishing (Publishing Ethics Resource Kit).

This journal is being committed to high standards of research and publication ethics.

The definition of “plagiarize”, according to the Merriam-Webster (2012) online dictionary and (2012), is “to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.” Sometimes that “existing source” is a work written by another scholar, and sometimes it is a work written by the author him-/herself. The latter circumstance constitutes self-plagiarism. Plagiarism most often takes the form of verbatim copying of passages from an existing source, but without the quotation marks and page numbers needed to convey proper attribution to the reader. However, plagiarism can also take the form of “close copying”, wherein passages are taken almost verbatim from elsewhere but changed slightly (Wager, 2011) (COLQUITT, 2012, p. 749).

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

The papers are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered, recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.

The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions, as well as to retain publishing rights without restrictions.

 We do not charge any publishing fees for authors (there are no processing, submission, or publication fees).

COLQUITT, J. A. (2012). From The Editors – Plagiarism Policies and Screening at AMJ. Academy of Management Journal. 55 (4), 749-751. Retrieved from:
COPE (2014). Guidelines. Retrieved from:
ELSEVIER (2014). Publishing Ethics Resources Kit. Retrieved from: