Mika J.:
Contribution of satellite-born information to climate science 1

Marszelewski M., Marszelewski W.:
Selected problems of lakes management on Polish Water law related to the differences between Polish and European Union legislation. 9

Dragotă Carmen-Sofia, Havriş Loredana-Elena:
Changes in frequency, persistence and intensity of extreme high-temperature events in the Romanian Plain. 17

Chendeş V., Bălteanu D., Micu Dana, Sima Mihaela, Ion B., Grigorescu Ines, Persu Mihaela, Dragotă Carmen:
 A database design of major past flood events in Romania from national and international inventories 25


Nazemosadat M. J., Koohizadeh M., Ghaedamini H.:
Individual and coupled effects of the ENSO and PDO on the incidence of autumnal dry and wet periods in Iran 33


Zelenakova Martina, Blistan P., Purcz P.:
Flood vulnerability in Bodva river basin in Slovakia 41


Apostol L., Sîrghea L.:
 Thermal continentalism in Europe 49


Zaharia Liliana, Ioana-Toroimac Gabriela, Costache R., Crăciun E.:
The flood potential and measures for flood risk mitigation in Tecuci City 56


Wypych Agnieszka, Palarz Angelika, Kubacka Danuta:
Spatial differentiation and drought intensity in the Upper Silesia Region, Poland 64


Nezirović Senada, Drešković N., Pobrić Alma, Mirić R.:
 Geographical aspects of river flows in the region of northeast Bosnia 72


Onţel Irina, Ionac Nicoleta:
 Land surface temperatures estimated on ground-observed data and satellite images, during the vegetation period in the Oltenia Plain 80


Sorocovschi V., Pandi G., Ungur Corina, Horvath Cs., Bătinaş R.:
South-Western Apuseni Mountains Small Rivers Seasonal Hydrological Flow Regime 88


Pieczka I., Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., André K., Kis A., Kelemen F.D.:
Regional climate modeling study for the Carpathian region using REGCM4 experiments 96


Roba Carmen, Roşu Cristina, Burghele Bety-Denissa, Moldovan M., Mitrofan H.:
The quality of natural mineral waters from Buzău County 102


Śliwińska Małgorzata, Ciaranek Dominika:
Very strong foehn winds in the Tatra Mountains (Polish Carpathian Mountains) – causes, course and consequences 109


Radu E., Stănescu Gabriela, Rotaru Cristiana:
Geological and hydrogeological considerations on the Quaternary deposits from Crişul Alb basin between Vârşand and Sebiş (CLIMHYDEX PROJECT) 117


Kis Anna, Pongrácz Rita, Bartholy Judit:
 Analysis of projected frequency and intensity changes of precipitation in the Carpathian region 125


Tudose T., Moldovan F.:
The role of air advection and atmospheric stability indices for identifying heavy rain storms in north-western Romania 133


Horváth Cs., Réti Kinga-Olga, Bilașco Șt., Roșian Gh.:
 Spatial distribution of the average runoff in the Iza and Vișeu watersheds 141


Rázsi A., Csabai Edina, Mika J., Molnár Zsófia, Kovács A.:
Wind energy climate of the Eger region in Hungary 148


Beldean-Galea M. S., Cozma A. M., Diodiu R.:
 Simultaneous degradation of some phthalate esters under Fenton and Photo-Fenton oxidation processes 156


Minea V., Burțilă Raluca, Sfîcă L., Ilie N., Samoilă Claudia, Dicu Ioana:
Evaluation of environmental induced susceptibility to windfalls in the hydrographic basin of Moldova River. 164


Sabziparvar A.A., Movahedi S., Asakereh H., Masoodiyan A., Maryanaji Z.:
Geographical factors affecting the precipitation regime in Iran 172


Costache R.:
The assessment of economical loss caused by floods and flash-floods with the help of computer techniques. Case study: Lopătari village, Slănic River 179


Maier N.:
Variations of air temperature at 850 hPa in North-West Romania 187


Yavkin V., Gopchenko E.:
Method of calculating the maximum water flow in the mountains 193


Hapciuc Oana, Minea I., Iosub Marina, Romanescu Gh.:
The role of the hydro-climatic conditions in causing high floods in the Sucevița river catchment 201


Kholiavchuk Dariia:
The evolution of the wind patterns over regions with complex topography in the last 50 years (on the example of the Dniester Canyon, Ukraine) 209


Mereuță M.:
Using Landsat images in mapping and monitoring water bodies in Măgura Basin. 217


Celiński-Mysław D.:
Derecho - characteristics of the phenomenon, the danger zone in Poland 226


Hoaghia Alexandra, Levei Erika, Cadar Oana, Ristoiu D.:
Assessing of seasonal variations of water quality in Moşna River (Sibiu County) 234


Zeineddine N. Murărescu O.:
Characterization of precipitation extremes and trends in two regions of North Africa 242


Vigh Melinda:
Seasonal average flow in Râul Negru hydrographic basin 250


Nyitrai L., Tóth R.:
 Investigation of atmospheric humidity transport on the basis of aerological measurements 258


Şenilă M., Sima Mihaela, Levei Erika, Roman M., Şenilă Lăcrimioara, Hoaghia Alexandra, Micu Dana, Cadar Oana, Bălteanu D.:
Drinking water quality in wells from an area affected by flood events: case study of curvature Sub-Carpathians, Romania 266


Ciaranek Dominika:
Weather conditions favourable to the increased incidence of influenza virus in selected regions of Poland 272


Jahangiri-Rad Mahsa:
Modeling and analysis of algal blooms in Aras dam by artificial neural network 280


Mohammad Rafiee, Jahangiri-Rad Mahsa:
Investigation of Legionella species in Tehran’s hospital water supplies 286


Zvijakova Lenka, Zelenakova Martina:
 Impact assessment of structural flood mitigation measures 291


Milian Narcisa:
Synoptic conditions for avalanche cases in Romania 299


Havriş Loredana-Elena, Stan Doina:
Impacts of dryness and drought phenomena on agricultural landscape in the Titu Plain 307


Iosub Marina, Minea I., Hapciuc Oana, Romanescu Gh.:
The use of HEC- RAS modelling in flood risk analysis 315


Istrate V., Apostol L., Sfîcă L., Iordache I. Bărcăcianu Florentina:
The status of atmospheric instability indices associated with hail events throughout Moldova. 323


Tănase Ileana, Zaharia Liliana:
 Impact of the reservoirs on the river low flow and measures to mitigate the negative effects 332


Ciurlău Doruța, Sasu Monica:
The comparison between two early blizzard events occurred in Romania during the time 340


Pandi G., Stoica F.:
Influenced flow in lower Iza River Basin 348


Piştea Ioana, Roşu Cristina, Roba Carmen, Ozunu Al.:
Sediments pollution with heavy metals. Case study: Baia Mare mining area 356


Băcescu Adriana, Colan Mietta, Iordachescu Magdalena, Mănescu Carmen, Velea Liliana:
 Hail episodes at meteorological station Craiova during the warm season 362


Ilie N.:
The wave of snow which covered the north of Moldavia in the interval 9-20th of December 2012 371


Moroșanu Gabriela Adina, Mohamed Ben-Daoud:
The assessment of floods within Coşuştea river basin, Romania (2000 - 2012). A statistical and conditional approach 379


Rusz Ottilia:
Temperature inversions in Transylvania 388


Marinică Andreea Floriana, Marinică I.:
The drought of the summer of 2012 in Oltenia - Climatic risk phenomenon. Social and economic impact 396


Mitof I.:
Temporal variability of water resources in the Lower Buzău catchment 405


Reckerth U. D.:
 Correlations between hail events and radar echoes in Transylvania 413


Bălan Oana:
Morphometric aspects in the Bârlad Basin 421


Greblă Adriana, Roncea Clara, Iordachescu Ş.:
 Considerations on weather instability in Oltenia in the interval 27 – 31 July 2014 429


Miftode Ioana Delia:
 Hazards, vulnerability and associated hydrological risks in the hydrographical basin of the river Uz, tributary of the river Trotuş 437


Manta D. R., Huștiu M. C., Sipos Z.:
Agravating factors in the blizzard situations in the South-East of Romania 446


Ioana-Toroimac Gabriela:
 Historical flood risk management: spatial expansion of Gherghiţa village (Lower Prahova River) 454


Sfîrlează Fania, Băcescu M., Burada Cristina, Brâncuș Mihaela, Iordăchescu Ş.:
The influence of Mediterranean cyclones on the weather in Oltenia during the first month of summer 462


Ciangă N., Costea D.:
The sodium chloride mineral waters from Harghita county, lasting tourism protection and capitalization 470


Şchiopu C.-L., Ciurlău Doruța:
The blizzard from 25-26 October 2014 and its impact on air flights 478


Marinică I., Marinică Andreea Floriana:
 Climatic considerations in the south-west of Romania on the autumn of 2014 484


Văidean Roxana, Hognogi Gh.:
Damages assessment associated to the flood event which occurred on 11-14 July 1999 in the Râul Mare Basin 492


Bâtea (Bota) Cătălina Maria:
 Types of tourism associated with ground- water resources in the adjoining counties of Satu Mare and Szabolcs- Szatmár-Bereg 500


Ignea F.-S., Birou Al.-F.:
Comparative study of the flash flood waves from the summer and autumn of 2014 on Bârzava River in the Gătaia-Partoş sector 508


Sima A.:
The significant flash floods in Vișeu River basin. Causes and effects on the floodplain 516


Porcuţan Adriana, Hîrlav C.:
Some particularities of rivers’ high flow periods from Suceava hydrographic Basin 524


Jurj Maria-Adina:
Conversion of the hydro-climatic resources in tourism attractors in Roşia Montană-Abrud mining area. 532


Hîrlav C., Porcuţan Adriana:
Seasonal flow regime on the rivers from Călimani Mountains 540


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